Saturday, October 17, 2015

Birthdays Again!

We officially have a teenager in our home! I really don't know where the time went, it's crazy! My middle son is officially in the double digits now too! We wanted to make their birthdays kinda special, so Dad decided he would take each of them out to eat just one on one at their restaurant of choice. My oldest picked an all you can eat buffet type restaurant. Of, course what 13yr old boy doesn't want buffet, right? My other son picked Olive garden and decided him and his dad should dress up for the occasion. It was just too cute, or handsome...sorry, handsome. They're not cute anymore. Lol. They each did some shopping with Dad and spent their birthday money.

Since, Taylor was turning 13, I figured it needed to be a little more special. We through him a surprise birthday with a few friends and such. It was a hit! To top that Sunday, we celebrated both their birthdays with the families. Grilled out, played ball, just had a nice time and beautiful weather.

Pics below! And yes, I actually made those cakes, which if you know me that was a feat.

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