Yeah, Week one of homeschooling done and I am so thrilled with the results! Let me start I'm still waiting on books to arrive so we are doing review work right now, just gettin in the groove. On the nights I work and Im in my super zombie sleep deprived mode I always take an index card and write assignments on them, I had done this most of last year so this year I decided I was going to do this every night for them along with a few extras. That way they can get up in the morning and get started with or without me. I have an early bird who gets up an hr or so before everyone else. Infact wed morning at 830 he was more than half way through with his assignments and made his own breakfast, I had just started making coffee. Lol. So this week I spent 10-15 each night putting assignments together. So far it's genius. Im finding that my boys are great self motivaters and love feeling in control of their school work. Next I made each of them a binder "brain" with a reading log so they are responsible for documenting what they read for the year (rewards included) as well as a check off list so each day there expected to check off what they have done and then I check it off, we do corrections and log their grades in. (Posting pics below so you can get an idea). So far it is working well. I also have a spiral inside their binders where we are working on some character building. Seems to be an area we need a little more work in. So for instance this week it was responsibility or responsible. Monday- they wrote the def. Tues-drew a pic of someone doing something responsible. Wed- copy a Bible verse to go with. Thur- write ways you can be responsible. Fri- free day other than test. My plan is to do a different one each week and keepsake the pictures and such, sort of like a journal. How has your week been anything new and exciting??
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