A normal school day in our home.
Starts off around 8am, we eat breakfast do our morning routine. My boys make their own breakfast and usually their little brother's. (cereal, toast, oatmeal) while I'm getting dressed. Sorry, I'm just one of those mom's who can't stay in her pj's all day no matter how hard I try. You say lazy mom, I say independent children and little helpers. Very handy. lol.
We start school around 830-9am. My oldest starts a little earlier, he is my early bird. So normaly, I have boys sprawled out on the living room floor, background music (contemporary christian) and little boys diligently working. I start them with Bible and then the subjects they can do independently like reading, spelling, cursive. While they do that I work with little bit on his easy peasy and workbooks. He's three so it's no pressure just whatever learning makes him happy. Sometimes we do alot, somedays we just do a letter and a sound. After this Timothy usually free plays either in his room or next to me with his writing tablet he loves. He's my artist. Then I go between Nolan and Taylor teaching the subjects they need help with like, language, math, science, & history. Ex: I teach a new math concept to Taylor, then he works a couple on his own while I show Nolan. We go back and forth like this until lunch. If one child is really struggling in an area we put that subject aside untill later in the day when we can focus on it together with fewer interuptions or I have one child take a break so I have a little extra time to teach one on one.
We normally finish all our subjects, (Bible, Language, Science, History, Math, Cursive, Spelling/Vocabulary, Reading and Phonics for Nolan) by lunch. We eat lunch and then the boys alternate free time while I grade and check off all their assignments.
Afternoon we workout, play outside, dance on the wii, whatever we feel like for the day, sometimes go to the park.
Sometime in the afternoon they have chore card responsibilites to do, when those are complete, they are officially done for the day and welcome to their beloved video games.
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