Wednesday, October 29, 2014

General update.

Don't  think I've spoke much about how school is going this year, especially science. It seems to be everybody's favorite lately...well maybe not the little one. I can truly admit, never dreamed I'd have fun teaching chemistry, but I'm totally enjoying it. We've done several experiments from buoyancy, density, legos as atoms, and our last we made hydrogen and oxygen atoms using candy to represent all the electrons, well Timothy my four yr old wanted in on the fun, I knew it would be over his head but none the less he joined in. He was perfectly fine until he tried to eat the candy with glue on it. lol. When I  told him no, my response from him was something like this...
Him: "well, well, this is no good. Why are we just wasting all the candy?"
Me:" I have candy left for us when we finish."
Him:"We are wasting perfectly good candy mom, and all your doing is just reading,reading, reading. ..ugh"
Me: "You don't have to do this experiment if you don't want too..."
Him:(starting to cry)" This is supposed to be fun, but this is no good science experiment....(pouting) just wasting candy." he walks off.

Have to admit this was one meltdown at the kitchen table homeschooling that was more humorous than most. Kinda felt bad for my little guy, and my smiles and laughter from the other two were just really upsetting him more and more. Oh, and yes I did give him his left over candy. lol.

We are full swing into guitar lessons as well, and I have heard the first line to jingle bells more times than I want to admit. I'm thankful though as they are practicing now for their Christmas concert its been really rewarding watching them learn to play.

Timothy is excelling with his schooling, infact he's sounding out home, in the store, wherever, and asking a thousand questions. He amazes me in math because at four he adds in his head. Its so weird to me he doesn't use the pictures in his work book, for instance two fish plus a picture of three more fish and then normally a child will count them to get the total, he does it in his head and just rights the answer. I will say it has me a bit scared. I know my other two children's learning styles but this is different than either of them. He's going to be a fun one to teach in the future that's for sure. 

Happy reading yall.

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