Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Finding a schedule & sticking to it!

Oh..the schedule. How I love to hate you. lol. Let me start I do like schedules and when you hs it is a must, but when you work as well it's hard to plan the same routine every day. So I came up with this brilliant plan. I have a poster board with the times listed out and velcro for each hour/thirty minutes.Each child has a row and for each time I can velcro different activities so while the two oldest might say computer games the youngest may say writing Abc's with mommy. I can switch them up so days I need to rest for work I can give them coresponding activites. We also have chore cards morning evening and afternnon with thier daily needs like brushing your teeth reading your Bible, etc...as well as each child's actual chores like clean room, sweep, vacuum etc. So far so good we are doing this through the summer and it has given some constructive time to wipe out the boredom, movie time, wii games, arts& craft, some educational games, swim time, those are just a few. Limits the game time too! :) Huge plus.With that instead of nagging my boys about manners and constantly reminding them, I decided we would name the dqys of the week and focus on a good charater trait or just general good behavior and they can earn 5¢ a day for acceptable behavior. ( I know 5¢ is not alot but it is motivation and I must admit I'm not fond of giving rewards for expected behavior, at the same time my hubby brought up the point that God blesses us when we do right, so some rewards are ok.) Our days are as follows... Manners Monday, Teaching Tuesday (helper day) no whining Wed, thoughtful Thursday, and Free Friday, Silly Saturday and spiritual Sunday. So far the boys love it. I just have to remember to update the schdule each night. ;) My oldest loves knowing what the plan is for the day and my other two have to have routine and structure otherwise this momma will pull her hair out for sure. lol. I also put exercise with Mom on the schedule, and it is keeping me accountable too. Who knew?

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