Friday, July 12, 2013

Green thumbs and lice oh my...

Well, we are full swing into summer, with a little schooling here and there, reading, and some hands on projects. This week we planted some veggies and painted our flower pots, a liitle late but still we planted cucumber, peppers and tomatoes. Now I definietly have no green thumb so this is all about the boys! Lol. Love how homeschooling is alot of trial and error as you go and sometimes I learn just as much as they do. After the three yr old waschecking his plant for the fourth time in one day to see if it was growing, we had a good lesson on patience. Lol. So I have to add this, it's worth laughing at my expense. I know we all have moments where our kids do the most humiliating things to us in public. Well my Nolan has been real into wearing baseball hats, so here we are in the middle of a very crowded McDonald's I took a seat with the boys while hubby is ordering food, my Nolan ask if he can take his ball cap off and of course I say yes, he then proceeds to put it on the table. No biggie right? Little brother grabs his hat and puts it on, Nolan freaks grabs it back and yells "No, Timmmy I have lice." Other people turn and look at us, so I gently but loud enough for others to hear explain, No you don't have lice, it's not like germs or cooties .I tell you don't put on other people's hats so you don't get lice! Lol. I could have died. Nothing like a spur of the moment lesson on lice at the dinner table!


  1. Oh man! That's funny! I sometimes use the explain loud enough that the people around me can hear tactic :-)

  2. Yeah, I was pretty much horrified. Funny though.
